Type of Activity: International Shipping and Customs Clearance
Operating Sector: MaritimeAir, Overland
Destination: Israel
Country of Origin: Italy
Several years ago, a historical film about Marco Polo was filmed in Israel.
The scenery, accessories and costumes were prepared in Italy: special costumes, a lot of weapons including 2-meter spears, shields and many other items which included a large quantity of very delicate accessories.
The production team debated how and when to transport the scenery and costumes to Israel. They wanted the relevant equipment to arrive gradually, according to the need of each stage of the production. They deliberated and procrastinated until the last minute, that the filming was about to begin, but the scenery, accessories, and costumes were still in Italy.
When it is necessary to get a shipment quickly and urgently, air transport is the preferred mode. In this case there was no choice and it had to be dealt with immediately and quickly. A manager of the MultiTrans team personally travelled to Italy, arrived at the outskirts of Rome where the company that supplied the scenery was located. He personally oversaw the packaging of the scenery, the accessories and costumes and the loading onto trucks. The trucks took the equipment to the airport where they were loaded onto a plane directly to Israel. Thanks to MultiTrans’ personal escort and the quick move, we managed to bring the equipment on time for the start of the filming, to the delight of the production team of the film.

Special projects

Experience and Contacts
Years of experience and contacts that have led to the providing of effective service

Professionalism and Expertise
Over 40 years of experience in international shipping and customs clearance

Reliability and Service
Our values: transparency, fairness, dedication, expertise and punctuality

Family Oriented
Family atmosphere and personal contact that provide our customers with responsiveness and availability
The Work Process
Customer request
Learning the client’s needs and matching expectations
Planning the shipping process
In order for the international dispatch to be efficient, reliable, quick and economical, one must begin by planning the dispatch manner, route and company, pricing, and picking the optimal route for the client.
International shipping
Dispatch via water, air and land is conducted according to the terms of the deal, while passing through customs escorted by the company’s agents, in various countries and while tracking to ensure it is on schedule
Customs clearance and arrival at destination
Upon the arrival of the goods, Multi Trans takes care of releasing them from customs and the chains of bureaucracy, to best classify them for the client. After being released from customs and in coordination with the client, the goods are transported to their destination.